Đề thi Anh văn đầu ra SPKT - PART 7 đề 2

PART 7 đề 2 - Đề thi Anh văn đầu ra SPKT

PART 7 các bạn nên đọc đi đọc lại nhiều lần và hiểu đáp án của đề thi AVĐR SPKT. Chúc các bạn may mắn!!

(Đề thi Anh văn đầu ra SPKT PART 7 - Đề 2)

Questions 53 – 55


Tired of working from Home?
Join other successful entrepreneurs and small business owners at our new 25,000-foot co-working facility. You have the option of renting a shared workspace (starting at $400 per month) or a private office (starting at $2,000 per month). Short-term spaces are also available for $30 per day. All spaces have natural light and are fitted with ergonomic furniture.

Amenities include free Wi-Fi, photocopiers, printers, a full kitchen with coffee makers and a microwave oven, conference rooms, an event space, and a bike storage area.
Working in a shared office space has unlimited benefits. It's a great way to expand your professional network, share knowledge, and maintain a better work-life balance. Call now to reserve your space at the Broadway Workspace.

53. What is the purpose of this notice?

A. To inform people about the benefits of working in a shared space
B. To advertise space at a new co-working facility
C. To encourage more people to co-work
D. To help people who are tired at home

54. Who is the audience for the notice?

A. People who enjoy working in a shared environment
B. People who like to ride to work
C. People who are looking for an alternative to working from home
D. People who want to rent a workspace for a day or a month

55. What options are available?

A. A better work-life balance
B. Conference rooms and an event space
C. Many amenities and benefits
D. Shared workspaces or private offices

Questions 56 – 58

To: Ellen Mars@mail.net 
From: BenLehman@WNSE.org 
Date: 16 May 
Re: WNSE Fundraiser - We Miss You!

Hi Ellen,
You've been a valued member of the WNSE family for four years, but we notice that your membership has recently expired. We understand that life gets busy and it's easy to forget to renew your membership. That's why every spring and fall, we remind our listeners to reach into their wallets and support their local public radio station.

We know our listeners depend on WNSE for their local news, music programs, and weather reports. We're committed to delivering the highest quality service because we care about you. Now it's your turn to show you care. It only takes three minutes to renew your membership and it costs only $60. For $120, we will send you a one-year subscription to New World magazine.

Yours truly,
Ben Lehmann

56. Why is Ben Lehmann writing to Ellen?

A. He wants to offer her a job at the radio station.
B. He wants her to send money.
C. He wants her to listen to WNSE.
D. He wants her to subscribe to New World magazine.

57. What do we know about Ellen?

A. She's too busy to listen to the radio.
B. She doesn't want to reach into her wallet.
C. She's decided not to support her local public radio station.
D. She hasn't renewed her membership.

58. How many times a year does WNSE hold a fundraiser?

A. Once a year
B. Twice a year
C. Three times a year
D. Four times a year

Questions 59 – 61

Mr. David Comstock 
Bailey & Comstock Real Estate Agency 
254 Second Avenue 
Brunswick, NY 18834

Dear Mr. Comstock,
I am writing because I am very upset about an unpleasant experience I had last week with one of your agents, Dolores Wiley. I called Ms. Wiley about the apartment for rent on Willow Street. Ms. Wiley showed me the apartment, and I liked it very much. She told me that the apartment was mine as long as my credit history was good. She said the cost of the credit check was $50. I know my credit history is good, so I paid her that amount.

The following morning, I called Ms. Wiley to find out when I could sign the lease. She said that the apartment had been given to someone else who had seen the apartment just before me. I couldn't believe it! I asked her to refund the $50, but she refused. She said your company's policy is to charge each applicant a non-refundable credit check fee. I feel like I've been robbed! I believe this policy is unethical and deceptive. I will never do business with your agency again.

Yours truly,
Beverly Oberon

59. What is the purpose of this letter?

A. To ask Mr. Comstock to fire Dolores Wiley
B. To apply for the apartment on Willow Street
C. To complain about the agency's credit check policy
D. To inform Mr. Comstock that she was robbed

60. Why wasn't Beverly Oberon successful in renting the apartment?

A. Her credit history was poor.
B. The apartment was given to another applicant.
C. She refused to pay the $50 credit check fee.
D. She didn't agree with the company's policy.

61. Another word for "unethical" is:

A. immoral
B. unfair
C. expensive
D. confusing

Questions 62 – 63

You are entering an area of high security. Please have your passports and boarding passes ready for inspection. Remove any sharp objects and liquids from your luggage. All electronic devices should be placed in a separate bin. All laptops must go through the X-ray machine. People over 75 can leave their shoes and jackets on. If you have a medical device, you should inform the officer who is conducting the screening. All disability-related equipment and devices are allowed through this checkpoint once cleared through screening.

You or your luggage may be selected for additional screening. If you do not comply with these instructions, you may be prosecuted. We take your safety very seriously.

62. Where would this notice be posted?

A. At a department store
B. At an airport
C. At a hospital
D. At a border

63. What should you do if you have a medical device?

A. You should inform the security officer.
B. You should place it in a separate bin.
C. You can leave it on.
D. You must remove it.

Questions 64 – 66


Warmulex 500LZ Portable Heater
This product recall has been initiated in response to complaints regarding the safety of the Warmulex 500LZ portable heater. The Consumer Protection Board has been advised that 24 consumers have reported that the heater can overheat and cause the unit to melt. There have been 3 reports of the heater catching fire when set at high speed for more than 15 minutes.

If you have purchased the Warmulex 500LZ portable heater, DO NOT USE IT. The heater is a fire hazard and may cause serious injuries such as burns and electric shock. Consumers should immediately unplug the unit and return it to the retail store where they purchased it. The store will either issue a full refund or replace the unit with the new 600LZ model.

We regret any inconvenience. For further information, contact Warmulex Customer Support at 800-500-0141.

64. Why is the Warmulex heater being recalled?

A. The Consumer Protection Board has advised it.
B. The heater doesn't work after 15 minutes on high speed.
C. The heater is dangerous.
D. The new 600LZ model has just been released.

65. Who benefits the most from this announcement?

A. The manufacturer of the Warmulex heater
B. Retail stores that sell heaters
C. People who want to purchase a new heater
D. Consumers who already own the heater

66. What should consumers do if they want further information?

A. Contact Warmulex on the toll-free number.
B. Unplug the heater immediately and return it to the store.
C. Return to the store and get a free 600LZ model.
D. Call the Consumer Protection Board.

Questions 67 – 70

To: All Employees 
From: Ralph Borg, Human Resources 
Date: November 2 
Re: Flu Season

Flu season is around the corner and vaccine shots will be offered to all employees again this year. A nurse from the Lakeside Medical Clinic will administer the shots next Thursday, November 7 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. in Conference Room C. Please visit the employee services website and make an appointment today.

Please take the flu seriously. Each year, influenza results in approximately 226,000 hospital admissions and 36,000 deaths. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, and tiredness. Please do not come to work if you suspect that you have the flu. You may come to work at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever (100° F or above).

Please take the opportunity to vaccinate yourself this season. It's free, fast, and effective.

67. What will happen on November 7th?

A. Employees can receive a flu shot from the Lakeside Medical Clinic
B. It's the beginning of the flu season.
C. Employees may come to work if they don't have flu symptoms.
D. A nurse will be available to give flu shots to employees.

68. Why is the Human Resources department encouraging employees to get a flu shot?

A. The shot is free.
B. The nurse is only available for one day.
C. Flu can be a deadly disease.
D. Productivity will suffer if many employees are out sick.

69. Which of the following is NOT suggested in the article?

A. Flu symptoms go away after 24 hours.
B. The flu kills many people every year.
C. The flu is very contagious.
D. A flu vaccine is available.

70. Which two words mean the same?

A. fever and aches
B. flu and influenza
C. vaccination and shot
D. runny and stuffy

Questions 71 – 73

Managing Change 
by Carla Douglass

Almost every company experiences change at some stage. Companies must change with the times, adopt new technologies, and meet shifting customer demands in order to increase profits and stay in business. Change can be exciting, but it can also be unsettling and scary for employees. Many employees resent change and even resist it. It is the manager's responsibility to make sure workplace change is as smooth as possible for employees.

Here are some tips for an easier transition. First, make an announcement that change is imminent so that everyone is informed at the same time. Next, give employees as much information as possible about what the change is, how it will affect them, and when it will occur. It's important to give employees as much time as possible to adapt to change. Then, encourage feedback from your employees. Employees are more likely to embrace change if they feel as if they have a personal investment. Finally, listen to them. It's no use asking for feedback and then doing nothing about it. Make yourself available and respond to questions quickly. Remember, employees who feel appreciated are much more likely to work harder and care about the business as much as you do.

71. Who is the most likely audience for this article?

A. Managers
B. Employees
C. Customers
D. Investors

72. What does the author suggest managers do after making an announcement?

A. Encourage feedback from the employees
B. Inform all employees at the same time
C. Give employees as much information as possible
D. Listen to the employees

73. The word "imminent" at the beginning of the second paragraph is closest in meaning to:

A. positive
B. forthcoming
C. important

Questions 74 – 75


The Warburton Classic Car Club will be holding its 37th Annual Car Show on Saturday, June 13, and Sunday, June 14 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Pala Mesa Fairgrounds.
Admission is $5. Children under 12 will be admitted free of charge.

First, second, and third prizes will be offered in each class (the 1920s-1970s), including Best in Show. Over 20 trophies will be awarded.

A flea market with antiques, collectibles, car parts, and second-hand items will be open all weekend and the Warburton Youth Orchestra will perform at 3 p.m. on Sunday.
For further information, visit our website at www.Warburton Classic Cars.com.

74. Who will be most interested in this event?

A. Children under 12
B. Young musicians
C. Owners of old cars
D. Antique dealerscó 

75. What do you need to do to enter the show?

A. Own a classic car
B. Visit the website
C. Shop at the flea market
D. Pay an admission fee

Questions 76 – 78

Japanese Art and Fashion Meet 
by Lori Theroux
An exciting exhibition has opened at the Gallery of Modern Art this month. Entitled "Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion," this fascinating exhibition explores the incredible innovation of Japanese fashion designers from the early 1980s to the present day.
Japanese designers had a tremendous impact on the fashion world in the late twentieth century. Over 100 costumes are on display by acclaimed designers such as Issey Miyake, Rei Kawakubo, Yohji Yamamoto, and Junya Watanabe. Curated by the eminent fashion historian Akiko Fukai, Director of the Kyoto Costume Institute, the exhibition is a rare opportunity to see these unique and sometimes bizarre creations.
Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online. The exhibition finishes on February 15. Photography is not permitted inside the exhibition.

76. What kind of exhibition is described?

A. Modern Japanese paintings
B. Unique Japanese photography
C. Contemporary Japanese fashion
D. Traditional Japanese art

77. Which words are used to describe the costumes?

A. Unique and bizarre
B. Incredible and tremendous
C. Acclaimed and eminent
D. Fascinating and rare

78. According to the article, what CAN'T you do at the exhibition?

A. Touch the costumes
B. Take photographs
C. Talk loudly
D. Meet the designers

Questions 79 – 80

To: All Employees 
From: Sebastian Twombly-Smith, Human Resources 
Date: October 21 
Re: Welcome Cheryl Chan

Please join me in welcoming Cheryl Chan to the Hong Kong office. Cheryl will assume the role of Chief Policy Analyst, reporting to Dan Beauchamp. We are very fortunate to have someone of Cheryl's caliber and experience.

Some of you will know Cheryl from the Seoul office where she has been located for the past 3 years. Prior to that, she lived in the UK for several years, obtaining her Master's degree at the London School of Economics and working briefly at the Bank of England.
Luckily for us, Cheryl, her American husband Todd and their two daughters, decided to return to her homeland. Cheryl starts work today. She is located on the 24th floor next to Conference Room B. Please drop by and introduce yourself to Cheryl.

79. Where did Cheryl work before the Seoul office?

A. The Hong Kong office
B. The London School of Economics
C. The UK office
D. The Bank of England

80. Where was Cheryl born?

A. Hong Kong
B. South Korea
C. United Kingdom
D. United States

Questions 81 – 85

Executive Team
March 20, 9–11 a.m., Conference Room D

Attendees: Lillian Olsen (Editorial Director), James Fong (Finance), William Padar (Sales Director), Louis Devereux (Human Resources), Laura Fenmore (Production Director), Agostino Massini (Circulation Director), Mason Wu (Technical Services Director)
1. Review the minutes of the last meeting
2. Determine criteria and goals for the upcoming Global Publishing Conference in Amsterdam, April 14–19 (Lillian) 
3. Presentation of professional development schedule for international employees (Louis) 
4. Discuss the development of the website, responsibility for content approval, maintenance, subscription services, customer care, etc. (Mason) 
5. Approval of job description and compensation for Social Media Director position (Louis and Mason) 
6. Review the draft budget (James) 
7. Editorial and production schedules for the April print edition (Lillian and Laura) 
8. Review circulation revenues, print subscription, and single-copy price increases and
digital pay plans (William and Agostino) 
9. Reception for the Chinese delegates at the Ritz-Marmont Hotel, April 4–7 (William) 
10. Discuss the assignment of interns to executive staff (Louis)
To: Mason. Wu@CDMMedia.org 
From: Louis Devereux@CDMMedia.org 
Date: March 21; 10:15 
Re: Social Media Director position

We were all concerned to hear that you weren't able to attend yesterday's meeting due to illness. I hope it's just a stomach bug and not something more serious.
The minutes will be distributed later today, but I wanted to give you a heads-up regarding the Social Media Director position. As you know, James wanted the base salary reduced by 10%. He was overruled and the compensation package was finally approved. I posted the position immediately after the meeting, as we all agree this appointment is a high priority. By the end of the day, I had received a dozen applications, several of which are very solid.

One outstanding candidate is Sonja Curtiss, Associate Director of Social Media at Nova News Corporation. She appears to have the qualifications and experience we're looking for. I set up an interview for 8 a.m. on Friday. I hope you'll be back in the office by then. If not, I can bring her back next week for a second interview if she seems like a good fit. She'll be on vacation the following week, so I want the two of you to meet before then. I'll let you know if anyone else of her caliber applies.
I hope you feel better.

81. When was the meeting?
A. March 20 at 11 a.m.
B. March 21 at 10:15
C. Friday at 8 a.m.
D. March 20 at 9 a.m.

82. Why was Mason unable to attend the meeting?
A. He was too busy.
B. He was on vacation.
C. He was unwell.
D. He was at an interview.

83. What is the main purpose of Louis's email?
A. To inform Mason about the status of the Social Media Director position
B. To tell Mason that Sonja Curtiss is going on vacation the following week
C. To advise Mason that his compensation package has been approved
D. To express his concern about Mason's health

84. What did James Fong want to do?
A. Overrule the Social Media Director's compensation package
B. Reduce the Social Media Director's salary by 10%
C. Revise the draft budget
D. Approve the Social Media Director appointment

85. What's happening on April 4?
A. The Global Publishing Conference commences in Amsterdam.
B. The new Director of Social Media starts work.
C. The April edition is printed.
D. The Chinese delegates arrive.

Questions 86 – 90

Alice Sharpe
Posted: 24 Jan, 11:24 AM

I am researching my ancestor Jacques Weber. He was born in Belfort, France, in 1832 and sailed from Le Havre to New York in 1850. He is listed as a farmer in the passenger records. We believe he was one of the thousands of young men who left Europe seeking their fortune in California during the gold rush.
In 1853, he sailed from San Francisco to Sydney, Australia. Gold had also been discovered in the Bathurst area of New South Wales in 1851. We think that Jacques was unsuccessful in California, so decided to try his luck in Australia. Records show that Jacques settled in the town of Blayney and married Sarah Casey in 1859. At some stage, he changed his surname from Weber to Viper. (This has really complicated my search!). He worked as a blacksmith, so I guess he never discovered gold. He became an Australian citizen in 1910, two years before his death.

Jacques and Sarah had nine children. One of them, Blanche, is my great-great-grandmother. I'm searching for other relatives of the Weber/Viper or Casey families. I haven't been able to find out much about Sarah Casey, so please contact me if you have any information about her.
Brad Mears
Posted: 25 Jan, 8:51 PM
Hi Alice,

Jacques Veper and Sarah Casey are my ancestors, too. My family is descended from their eldest son Peter (named after Jacques' father Pierre). I have some information about Sarah Casey. She was born in County Carlow, Ireland, in 1834, one of seven children. Her father was Dr. Michael William Casey and her mother was Jane Leigh. The family moved to Dublin in 1842 where Dr. Casey ran a medical clinic. When Dr. Casey died in 1857, his wife Jane turned the clinic into a small hotel, which she managed until her death in 1879. In 1858, Sarah and her brother Joseph immigrated to Australia. Joseph was a lawyer and established a legal practice in Blayney. That's where Sarah and Jacques met. I hope this helps. Please feel free to text me if you need further information.

86. What kind of people post on this message board?
A. People who are searching for lost family members.
B. People who are interested in their family's history
C. Historians who are interested in the Californian and Australian gold rushes
D. People who are interested in immigrating to another country

87. Why did Jacques Veper probably decide to go to the United States?
A. He was tired of farming life in Belfort, France.
B. He wanted an adventurous life.
C. He wanted to discover gold in California.
D. He wanted to seek his fortune in New York

88. Why did Jacques Veper probably decide to go to Australia?
A. He couldn't find work in the United States.
B. He didn't discover gold in California.
C. He wanted to be a blacksmith in Blayney.
D. He had always wanted to visit Australia.

89. What complicated Alice Sharpe's search?
A. Jacques changed his surname from Weber to Veper.
B. Jacques married Sarah Casey.
C. Jacques isn't mentioned in the ship's passenger list.
D. Jacques moved from Bathurst to Blayney.

90. What did Jane Casey do after her husband died?
A. She married Jacques Weber in Blayney.
B. She immigrated to Australia.
C. She returned to County Carlow.
D. She managed a small hotel in Dublin, Ireland.

Questions 91 – 95

Simone Hobbes, Events Coordinator 
Hillsville Country Inn 
45 Mill Road 
Harrisburg, IL 35543

Dear Simone
My husband and I received your invoice of $8,690 for catering our wedding reception on June 4. We are very upset that the invoice exceeds the estimated cost that you provided on February 15 (see attached). You specifically agreed to work within our budget of $8,000. We are disputing the following items in the invoice.
When we met with you on February 7, you said you would waive the cost of renting the additional tables and chairs that we required. Therefore, we were surprised to see the rental cost included in the invoice. Also, you had originally agreed to provide a 50% discount on two rooms to accommodate our parents on the night of the reception. Instead, we have been charged the full price for the two rooms. We are also shocked to see a room service charge of $8 for a bottle of water that my mother-in-law requested.
Finally, the food served at our reception was NOT as good as the delicious food we tasted in February. The vegetarian dish in particular was very disappointing. You did explain to me that the vegetables would change based on seasonal availability. However, I expected the summer dish to be as good as, if not better, the winter dish. Also, the wait staff fee is $200 higher than quoted.
In light of the above issues, we look forward to receiving a revised invoice.
Yours sincerely,
Diane Mancini
Number of guests: 140                                                                           
February 15



Shrimp & avocado wrapped in puff pastry Bruschetta with mozzarella, tomato & basil

Main Courses:

Herb-roasted chicken & wild rice pilaf Pasta with white truffle oil & seasonal vegetables


Poached pear tart & chocolate cake with raspberry sauce

Local artisanal cheese platter








Supplies: cutlery, flatware, table decorations, flowers Rental of additional 6 tables and 36 chairs (complimentary)



Wait staff




Accommodation (2 double rooms for 1 night: 50% discount)









91. When was the wedding reception?
A. February 7
B. February 15
C. June 4
D. June 25

92. Why is Diane Mancini unhappy?
A. The final cost is higher than the estimated cost.
B. The invoice is $200 higher than quoted.
C. The estimated cost is higher than the quoted amount.
D. The invoice did not include a discount on the food.

93. Which item in the invoice was supposed to be free?
A. Two double rooms for the parents
B. The bottle of water
C. The rental of additional tables and chairs
D. The vegetarian dish

94. Why was Diane disappointed with the food?
A. It was more expensive than she had expected.
B. The vegetarian dish wasn't available.
C. The vegetables weren't seasonal.
D. The vegetarian dish wasn't delicious

95. What does Diane want Simone Hobbes to do?
A. Provide a discount on the food.
B. Reduce the invoice by $700.
C. Revise the estimated cost.
D. Provide a full refund.

Questions 96 – 100

To: Yoshio. Hirano@TTVCorp.net 
From: J.Thompson@Jacaranda Tours.net 
Date: November 24 
Re: Jacaranda Tours query

Dear Mr. Hirano,
Thank you for your email regarding your request to book the Yarra Wildlife Sanctuary Tour on December 4. Unfortunately, the sanctuary is closed until February as it is undergoing renovations. May I suggest the alternative tour to Phillip Island, which I'm sure you and your colleagues will enjoy just as much. As well as viewing the world-famous Penguin Parade, the tour includes a visit to a conservation park where you will be able to see many Australian native animals, such as koalas, kangaroos, possums, emus, and wombats.

As you can see from the attached brochure, the Phillip Island Tour is slightly more expensive than the Yarra Wildlife Sanctuary Tour because of the superior accommodation. However, since TTV Corporation is a valued client, we are prepared to offer you and your three colleagues a 10% discount on the overall cost of the Phillip Island Tour. Therefore, the total amount would be $432 per person. This includes private transportation, breakfast and dinner, one night's accommodation, all entrance fees, and a Japanese-speaking guide.
Please let me know if you are interested in the Phillip Island tour. You will need to act promptly if you wish to secure a reservation within the next two weeks as the busy season is just beginning.
Yours truly
Jackie Thompson - Tour Coordinator Jacaranda Tours
The Phillip Island VIP Two-Day Tour - $480 per person

The Phillip Island VIP Tour showcases the best of Australia's wildlife that will delight all nature lovers, young and old. The tour allows you to relax while enjoying the many wonders the island has to offer. This tour gives you a front seat to view the world-famous penguin parade.

Day One 
10:00 a.m. We pick you up from your hotel in Melbourne in an air-conditioned minibus 
12:00 p.m. Arrive at Phillip Island and visit the Moonlit Conservation Park where visitors can hand-feed kangaroos and wallabies 
1:00 p.m. Lunch at the sanctuary 
2:00 p.m. Visit the Koala Conservation Centre where visitors can watch wild koalas in their natural habitat 
6:30 p.m. A sumptuous buffet dinner at the Wallaby Hotel Restaurant 
8:00 p.m. View the Penguin Parade. Watch as hundreds of little penguins waddle across the beach and return to their burrows in the sand dunes. Note that taking photographs is strictly forbidden. 
Overnight accommodation at the Wallaby Hotel

Day Two 
9:00 a.m. Breakfast at the Wallaby Hotel Café 
11:00 a.m. Visit Cape Woolamai surf beach, the Nobbies, and Seal Rocks 
1:00 p.m. Lunch at the Rusty Water Restaurant 
3:00 p.m. Return to Melbourne

96. Where did Mr. Hirano and his colleagues originally want to go?
A. Melbourne
B. Phillip Island
C. The Moonlit Conservation Park
D. The Yarra Wildlife Sanctuary

97. Why is the Phillip Island Tour more expensive than the other tour?
A. The tour takes longer.
B. The hotel is better.
C. The park entry fees cost more.
D. The food is superior.

98. Why is Jackie Thompson offering a 10% discount on the Phillip Island Tour?
A. Mr. Hirano's company is a valued client.
B. The busy season hasn't begun yet.
C. The other tour isn't available.
D. The accommodation isn't as superior as the other tour.

99. What does the cost per person NOT include?
A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. Entrance fees

100. According to the brochure, what can't you do at the Penguin Parade?
A. You can't touch the penguins
B. You can't make loud noises.
C. You can't take photographs.
D. You can't feed the penguins.

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